Curriculum Development and STEM Outreach Program

Container Crane Machinery In Shipyard

Curriculum Development and STEM Outreach Program

Hampton Maritime Academy Curriculum Development

Supporting the Virginia Ship Repair Association Maritime Academy (VSRA-MA) Hampton High School through redesign of curriculum in ship design, shipbuilding, and repair courses.

Higher Education Curriculum

VDMC has also developed various higher education courses aiming to serve the future maritime workforce. Below is a list of courses and programs developed within regional higher education institutions, such as Old Dominion University, Tidewater Community College, Virginia Peninsula Community College, and Paul D. Camp Community College. All courses developed were in collaboration with maritime industry subject matter experts.

Marine Trades Training

Digital Ship Challenge

The Virginia Digital Maritime Center along with the Virginia Ship Repair Association (VSRA) and the Virginia Maritime Association (VMA), are piloting this innovative high school competition which encourages students to explore our local maritime industry.

This year’s challenge is to design and construct a cutting-edge container ship that will transit the Atlantic Ocean, facing various sea states along the way. Buoyancy, stability, and container security will be paramount to success in this competition. Students are also required to prepare an engineering notebook, showcase prototype iterations of their design, meet all design constraints, and prepare an oral report.

Local maritime industry representatives will serve as technical advisors to the student teams, will judge the competition, and will provide students with a look into the work they do while offering advice on career pathways.